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From the desk of the Director of Public Relations
Regarding Solicitors...


After some research it was found that our no soliciting ordinance was not in effect but could be reinstated as a neighborhood under County code Sec 74. The board of directors approved implementation.  A sign was ordered for the Highway 19 entrance area and was installed so it is once again in effect.  Also, homeowners can place a small sign at the front door to further amplify the law.    The reintroduction of this designation to our neighborhood does not preclude you as a homeowner from inviting any organization or contractor to your home to provide you with estimates or introductions of good and services but it does mean that they cannot solicit to your neighbors while they are in the neighborhood without being invited by each individual home owner.  As is always the case the ordinance does have one exception.  This exception allows political candidates to solicit contributions for campaigns.  Please notify the Code Enforcement Department at Pasco County (727-847-2411) of any violations that occur.  This ordinance will only be effective if all work to enforce it. 


Skip Geiger

These signs are available at the GHCA office for
a nominal fee.

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